A portrait directed by Nicolaas Plettenburg & Milan van Dril
A feature documentary directed by Daan van Citters.
A Project in association with with European Investing Platform flatexDEGIRO and Director Lyangelo Vasquez.
A three-part television documentary by Djoeke Veeninga and Marlou van den Berge.
A TV documentary about informal caregivers directed by Nelleke Koop and a campaign
An opera documentary directed by Ruben van Leer for Nationale Opera and Anomaly
A documentary directed by Klaartje Quirijns and produced by LEV Pictures
A TV documentary directed by Jan Jaap Kuiper
A documentary directed by Ester Gould & Reijer Zwaan and produced by CTM Docs
A documentary directed by Rozemyn Afman and produced by CTM Docs